Arabian nights, like Arabian daysssss more often than not have Easter Eggs in a lot of good ways. No? Okay, well I'm no Alan Menken, but I am an expert Easter Egg spotter and all around Disney expert. Especially if we are talking Renaissance Disney. Aladdin has flown on his magic carpet into theaters everywhere and along with him a lot of fun hidden gems and callbacks.
Related: Is Aladdin A Magic Carpet Ride? Aladdin Movie Review
This is your spoiler warning, if you haven’t seen Aladdin yet, stop now, bookmark this Aladdin Easter Eggs post, and come back after you've seen it!
Related: Is Aladdin Safe For Kids?
Aladdin Easter Eggs
Lyric Change: In Arabian Nights, “its barbaric but hey its home” changed to “its chaotic but hey its home.”
The Cave Of Wonders is voiced by Frank Weller. Frank Weller also voiced them in the original animated film.
One of Jafar's picks to go into the Cave of Wonders is swallowed whole.
Aladdin is called a Street Rat.
After stealing it, Aladdin gives his food to some children while Abu remains selfish.
Jafar pushes someone down a well.
Do you trust me?
Aladdin and Jasmine both share about feeling trapped.
When Prince Anders comes to visit Jasmine, Aladdin saves the children from getting hurt. The guards tell him only his fleas will mourn him.
Rajah attacks the Prince
A Whole New World music is heard playing when Aladdin stares at Jasmine.
Abu goes after the red jewel signaling the Cave of Wonders to attack.
Carpet saves Aladdin.
A Friend Like Me
Abu is given symbols and a drum, resembling the toy Jafar turns him into at the end of the original Aladdin.
Genie Hand with Puppet Strings
Genie dresses as Flight Attendant.
Magic Carpet does The Carlton, made famous in The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.
Outside the Cave
The images on the scroll of Genie, Sultan, and Aladdin, resemble their animated counterparts. I like to think of this as their homage to Robin Williams.
The prince that appears in the distance is wearing colors like Will does in the The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.
Carpet is busy building the Disney Castle Logo in the sand. He even throws sand over it mimicking TinkerBell flying over the castle.
Prince Ali
During Prince Ali, Genie is shown dressed as a woman.
Lyric change from Sunday Salaam to Friday Salaam. This is to reflect that the holy day for Muslims is Friday not Sunday.
Inside the Palace
Genie's servant outfit is a nod to the Broadway Aladdin Genie.

picture from Playbill
The Sultan and Jasmine are wearing their iconic looks from the animated film.
The words Be yourself appear on the map.Maybe one of these days Aladdin will learn this lesson.
Map shows Fantasyland, Adventureland, Tomorrowland, along with Cinderella's Castle is shown. (Note: could also be Sleeping Beauty's Castle)
The Genie is awkward with the woman he likes just like Will Smith's character in Hitch.
Jasmine sees through the Prince Ali disguise when he says Do You Trust Me? She also uses a statement about Abu to get Aladdin to fess up.
During A Whole New World, they fly over the The Pridelands of the upcoming The Lion King movie. The live action remakes all have Easter Eggs of the other live action remakes. Kinda like an Easter Egg inside of an Easter Egg.
More Aladdin Easter Eggs
Hidden Mickey found in the fruit bowl during the scene Aladdin says he is not going to use his third wish to free the Genie.
Iago is transformed into a giant parrot. Seen flying over Agrabah like Drogon over Kings Landing.
While nothing happens to Abu, Carpet is torn up during the final battle. Luckily Genie puts him back together.
The Sultan, once stripped of his powers, is wearing a Kufi. A Kufi is traditionally worn as a prayer hat, or head covering to acknowledge that God is above.
Jafar is sent to cool out in the Cave Of Wonders.
Genie resembles Hercules while calling the name Jasmine in Rocky fashion. Yo Adrian! In the original animated film, during A Whole New World, they are seen flying through Mount Olympus/ Ancient Greece.
Alan Menken who wrote the original songs for Aladdin, returned to score this film as well as write the new song Speechless. You can always spot a Menken song am I right?
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