I love Captain America, I do, but there is something special about the God of Thunder. Thor has always been my number 2 pick out of the original Avengers. To celebrate the awesomeness that is Thor Ragnarok being available on digital HD and soon on Blu-Ray, we are dedicating this Marvel Monday to The Mighty and Underrated Thor!
There are a lot of reasons we are Team Thor, and no I'm not talking about his biceps, but those don't hurt that's for sure.
God of Thunder
Thor is an actual god, not a demigod. Yeah I'm looking at you Tony. As a history geek and someone who has Norwegian ancestry, I love the way his comic book stories and abilities have their root in the original myths. Yes things are changed to fit the comic world and the MCU, but overall it makes my nerd heart happy when Norse mythology is mentioned.
Until Thor Ragnarok, Thor has been given little credit for his comedic abilities. He has some great one-liners in his other MCU appearances, but they have often gone overlooked. C'mon guys, Thor is hilarious, just pay attention!
Brotherly Love
I can't mention Thor without talking Loki. Without a doubt, Loki reigns as the favorite villain in the MCU. The charming trickster and Thor have a pretty typical sibling relationship. Good days, bad days, and I would rather stomp on your face than look at you days.
Wouldn't you turn into a snake just to bite your brother if you could?
Thor has some pretty sweet powers. He's basically indestructible, the self-proclaimed strongest Avenger, and he wields the iconic Mjolnir until Hela puts an end to that. But then he learns to harness the power of the hammer and dang, I'm here for it.
Thor and Infinity War
Back in Age of Ultron, Thor has a vision that includes the Infinity Stones. He leaves the Avengers to learn more and comes back to explain what is going on in the realms. At the end we see him leave again, this time seeking to find out more about who is after the Stones and possibly where they are all located. Good thing Thor is on the case, the others are too busy fighting each other.
At the end of Ragnarok though, Thor doesn't realize it but the Tesseract, the space stone, is on his ship with Loki. In Infinity War, Loki hands it over to Thanos, after stepping over a lot of dead bodies. After Thanos attacks his ship, Thor ends up crashing into The Guardians of the Galaxy. Then they all head to Earth probably, chasing after the Mad Titan.
Oh! I am team Thor, too! and yes – NOT demi-god. We will leave that mantle for a certain DC comic female superhero to pick up. I love the banter between Thor and Loki. They play off each other so well – and the palpable sibling rivalry just makes the movie.
Even my little 9 year old granddaughter loves Marvel movies! Thor is one of my hubby’s favorites. We should watch it again….I am sure we will!
I haven’t seen Ragnarok yet, but I heard good things. I do enjoy Thor in the other Marvel movies!
I am not very savvy about superhero movies so this was so much fun to read! And, hey, I’m happy to just look at Chris Hemsworth any time!
I just watched Thor: Ragnarok and loved it! I can’t believe I waited so long. He is so funny in such an elegant way! Love him!
My son loves Thor. You’re right, he is underrated!
Oh! I am team Thor, too! and yes – NOT demi-god. We will leave that mantle for a certain DC comic female superhero to pick up. I love the banter between Thor and Loki. They play off each other so well – and the palpable sibling rivalry just makes the movie.