Oh it tastes so good, ahhhh me want some healthy food. Sorry, I can't say those words together without breaking into song a la Cookie Monster. With so much unhealthy food out there it can be hard to eat right. One it costs way more then it should and two sometimes healthy food doesn't taste so good! This weeks Blogging Carnival Question: ...
weight loss
At The Starting Line
Today is the start of the Two Week Challenge! I'm excited to see the changes in my body after the end. The last one was great, I lost a few inches and 3lbs! I wasn't the best at documenting all my food, I would forget to snap a picture, ever forget? It happens to me. But this time, I'm vowing to be better. On your mark, get set, ...
Bring it on 2012
New Years means a few things to people; parties, Dick Clark, black eyed peas (if you're southern), and resolutions. Dun dun dun! Resolution- the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc. In the past I've made them and broke them. Or I don't make any and end up accomplishing something I ...
Crossing the Finish Line
I just completed my first 2 Week Challenge!! Honestly, I didn't think it would be that hard, after all I workout already and eat healthy. I was wrong! I was sore, tired, and definitely grunted my way through the planks. Finding time to fit in the extra workouts made me really scrutinize my "me-time" and how I could better be using it! I ...
2 Week Challenge Kick-Off
Scale Victories: I finally did it! I stepped onto the dreaded scale, and I lost 3lbs!! Non-Scale Victories: I have signed up for my first 2 week challenge! I took all my measurements and I'm feeling anxious to see how they go down. I decided to go for the advanced workout dun dun duuuunnn. Ok, maybe it's not that dramatic but, it kinda ...