Welcome to the egg hunting jam. Space Jam A New Legacy is packed with Easter Eggs, cameos, and callbacks. It kinda reminded me of the Oh My Disney scene in Ralph Breaks the Internet except you know Warner Bros and DC Comic properties. I loved looking for all the hidden and not so hidden gems in this one. Some were even a blink and you miss it. Read ...
Movie Easter Eggs
All The Pixar Luca Easter Eggs You May Have Missed
It wouldn't be summer without a new Disney Pixar movie and that means it's time to look for Easter eggs. We love movie Easter eggs aka hidden references around here, and Pixar Luca had a lot to find, especially in Alberto's hideout, he truly has collected many things from the human world. From A113 and Donald Duck to the always faithful Pizza ...
All The Pixar Soul Easter Eggs You May Have Missed
A new Disney Pixar movie means one thing, well two: a fresh set of tears and looking for easter eggs. We love movie Easter eggs aka hidden references around here, and Pixar Soul had a lot to find, especially in the Hall of Everything, because well, it has everything. From Joan of Arc and UP to the always faithful Pizza Planet truck, there were ...
All The Mulan Easter Eggs You May Have Missed
Mulan is finally here! Now streaming on Disney+, Mulan was everything I wanted it to be. Although a call-back to the original, this movie took the re-imaginings of Disney animation to a new level. It easily has become one of my top 3 live-action Disney remakes. We love movie Easter eggs aka hidden references around here, and although ...
All The Rise of Skywalker Easter Eggs and Cameos You May Have Missed
The end of the Skywalker Saga brought about a ton of fan service, which means a whole lot of Easter eggs, cameos, and callbacks to spot. This is the post you are looking for, I have all the Rise of Skywalker Easter eggs and cameos you may have missed. Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the film. All The Rise of Skywalker Easter Eggs and Cameos ...