Imagine with me a showdown between mother and son. Both want their way and both are unwilling to yield.What are they fighting over? Lunch. Mom wants to pack something healthy albeit boring. Rice cakes, melon, raw broccoli (no dip), and water. Oh and if you find yourself with free time, practice math problems. Son wants to load up his lunch with ...
Rich Food Poor Food: The Ultimate Grocery Purchasing System, Review and Giveaway!
Learning what is in your food can be scary. Knowing what to avoid and healthier alternatives can be down right mind boggling. If you are like me you want to know what to eat, what to avoid, and the best way to do so. And unless you have an excess of free time you want a tool, an app, or something to help keep all that info straight and ...
Power Up! Quick and Healthy Breakfasts for Kids!
Incase you couldn't make our chat yesterday, here is the video of myself and other amazing bloggers sharing our tips for healthy breakfasts for kids especially when you are on the go! I wanted to thank Amelia Winslow from for having me as a panelist. This hangout was a lot of fun and I learned some new tricks for breakfast time ...
The Benefits of Coconut Oil
I am convinced coconuts must have a hidden cape inside their husks. If you haven't heard about Coconut Oil yet I would be surprised. This little guy is popping up all over the place from the grocery store to Pinterest and with good reason. Coconut oil has 100s of uses! Seriously, is there anything it can't do? Recently, I started training for a ...
Wordless Wednesday: Unreal Candy
Unreal is candy unjunked. Less sugar, no artificals, no hydrogenateds, no preservatives, no corn syrups and no GMOs... just yummy! Unreal wants to unjunk your 2013! Available now at Target, go get some today! *I received free products for being a Moms Meet Ambassador. No monetary compensation was received and the opinions ...