My kids love to snack. Of course I want them to snack healthy but I also want them to have fun with their food. In my house it is totally fine to play with your food as long as you eat it afterwards…but nothing off the floor, that is way too gross! That is why I was happy to find Good Boy Organics. I first tried Good Boy Organics Organicasaurus ...
Organic Shopping on A Budget by Ashleigh Evans
Organic Shopping on a Budget Hi everyone! My name is Ashleigh and my blog is Being Cheap is Easy. I love to share recipes and money saving tips. I met Ashley at Bloggy Con last year and I am so honored to be guest posting here. I am still a “going green” newbie and I learn so many tips from Ashley. In the past few years, our family has ...
You Won’t Find GMOs in Stonyfield Yogurt!
"Not all yogurt cups are created equal. Stonyfield is obsessively organic when it comes to the way we’ve made our yogurt for the past 30 years.” -Stonyfield Co-Founder & Chairman Gary Hirshberg. Not All Yogurt Cups Are Created Equal Stonyfield makes its certified organic and authentically strained Greek yogurt without the use of GMOs, toxic ...
Jamba Juice Fruit and Veggie Smoothies
Did you know that only 8% of Americans achieve their recommended target for fruit in an average day? And only 6% of individuals meet their recommended target for vegetables in an average day. Sadly, only 1% of adults and 2% of kids actually meet both the fruit and veggie recommendations each day.+ Those statistics make me sad as a mom who wants ...
Things to Do and See in Washington DC: Tips from a Local Girl
There are a lot of things to do and see in Washington DC. Any tour of DC or tourist guide will tell you the major things: monuments, Smithsonian Museum, White House, etc. But take it from a local the city has a lot more to offer. One of my favorite places in Washington DC is Capitol Hill's Eastern Market. Saturdays the streets come alive with ...