By now I am sure you are aware of the dirty dozen and pink slime meat. What you may not be as familiar with are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and why exactly they are dangerous. "A genetically engineered food is a plant or meat product that has had its DNA artificially altered in a laboratory by genes from other plants, animals, viruses, or ...
Mamavation Monday Just Say No To GMOs
This past week has been an interesting one to say the least! Tuesday of last week we went to the pool and swam for 3 hours. It was great exercise and of course made everyone good and sleepy for naptime. Yay! But then I started feeling really terrible. I came down with a nasty cold and irony would have it my article on another site went ...
Mamavation Monday- Dealing With Cravings
It's Monday again and this week I'm happy to have an update with my weight loss. My Non-scale Victory- I fit into a shirt I haven't worn since before my daughter! Not going to lie, I was pretty excited, I even had to double it up because it was a little too loose. In the word of Charlie Sheen... Winning! This past week and ...
Mamavation Monday- Healthy Active Kids
I don't have any scale victories because I avoid my scale like I owe it money. Non-Scale Victories- I have been choosing healthy food even when I am faced with a spread of mostly junk food. Tis the season of graduation parties, weddings, and birthdays. I am determined to stay strong and not give in! Also, thank you so much to Mamavation and ...
Do your kids love to copy their peers? I know mine do much to my dismay a lot of the time! In this case though I want my kids to imitate what they see. Copy-kids is a fun new way to help encourage your children to eat healthy. Eating right is something very near and dear to my heart. I try to feed my family the clean way, and fresh ...