Oh hey there 2014. I could say something cliché like, can you believe it’s New Years Eve? But I won’t. I mean I am like woah it’s the end of a crazy year for me but I am looking forward to the New Year. I don’t know about you but I am not the one who makes resolutions. Every year I hear people say these are my resolutions or ...
Fitmark Bags Review #NiceBag
As you know by now, I am always pursuing a healthy lifestyle. That includes working out at the gym and going for runs. Not to mention the day to day running around that I do with my children! One thing all fitness buffs need is a gym bag. But seriously, why are they all so ugly? All the ones I have seen at the athletic stores do not ...
Mighty Mom Monday: I’m Still Here
You may have been wondering where I've been. Or maybe not, I have been writing, tweeting, so I didn't disappear completely. Still, I haven't written about being a Mighty Mom in awhile. Does that mean I have been doing super awesome and was just too mighty to stop and write about it? Hah! Nope. Just the opposite in fact. Ever since I went ...
Mighty Mom of October!
Every month I want to show off a Mighty Mom that I know. For my first Mighty Mom I reached out to my good friend Evelyn who is not only an awesome mother but she loves to run! Thank you Evelyn for inspiring me to get off my butt and run. I am so excited to have her share a little bit about herself to you all so you can be inspired by her ...
Mighty Mom Monday Pushing On
Happy Monday Mighty Moms! I have been on the go for the past several days, traveling to my neighbor state of Maryland for the Natural Products Expo, hanging out a vineyard, and helping a friend do a little healthy food shopping. I feel like today, I have just been trying to be in my own space and zen out. Ok not really zen considering I ...