A post about running? If you have spent anytime reading this blog you would know that running is the last thing I would ever do. I wouldn't even run for my life if that gives you any insight. Oh and don't get me started on the phrase fun run, as if those two words together make any sense. Honestly, I never dreamed I would willingly participate in ...
Mamavation Monday: Surprise Surprise
Last week I hinted at a secret I was keeping. Honestly, I hate counting my chickens before they hatch so I kept it from you (and everyone else I know) until I had received all confirmations. Well, all my chickens have hatched so here it is. Drum roll please... I AM RUNNING A 5K! *crickets* Yes you read that right, so pick your jaw up off the ...
Mamavation Monday: I have a secret
I have a secret...a fitness secret. There are only two people who know what it is and today is not the day I am going to share! Sorry ladies! The thing is, I am one of those people who wants to have everything confirmed before I spill the news. But if you know me, or if you've paid attention to any of my posts about what I like and do not ...
Quest Protein Bars: Healthy and Tasty
January is here and most people have made some New Years Resolutions. The top of everyone's list seems to be getting healthy, losing weight, going to the gym, etc. One staple of my staying in shape regime is the protein bar. I usually have one a day. They are prefect for before the gym, after the gym, or if you are on the go. It never fails I will ...
Perfectly Simple by ZonePerfect
Perfectly Simple Limited Ingredient Nutrition Bars are some of ZonePerfect's newest members of their protein bar family. They are gluten free and packed with 10grams of protein. Perfectly Simple bars are made with 10 or less ingredients, perfect for those of us who like to eat clean and like to know exactly what is in our food. I can't tell you ...