I'm not sure what is in the air, other than pollen, but it makes me want to rejuvenate my closet with cute clothes! Those cute clothes need to work with me though and I don't mean just making my body look nice. I need clothes that can keep up with chasing the kids, spring sports, and even a quick getaway. Lucky for me (and you) all that is just a ...
Eco-Friendly & Super Fun, Artterro Art Kits for Kids! Discount Code Inside
Do you have an artist in your home? At my house, my princess loves to draw, write, craft, and perform. She gets it from her mother. I am always on the lookout for materials she can use to create her masterpieces with. Bonus points if we can reuse or repurpose something in her art. Eco-Friendly is the way to be a superior artist after ...
Ozeri 8′ Green Earth Textured Pan Review
A few months ago I shared the struggle of going green in ALL aspects of life. Specifically in regards to cooking. Cooking is something I do almost everyday and cannot avoid. But as I learned, buying good for your foods is only part of the battle. If you are cooking with chemical laced pans you are infecting your foods with them. What can you ...
Safe Cooking with Ozeri NonStick Earth Pan!
I gave up on nonstick pans awhile ago because of the chemicals they are made with. Those nasty things leech toxins into your food. Yummy. That doesn't mean I missed the connivence of them! Scrubbing pans like Cinderella is not my idea of a good time. As a mother though I need to protect my family from harm. So there I was scrubbing away. What ...
Check Out ShiftCon The First Eco Conscious Blogging Conference!
ShiftCon is the first of it's kind Eco Wellness Social Media Conference! ShiftCon is about shifting our perspectives on what we eat, how we raise our families, and our impact on the environment. Unlike other conferences which gloss over organic, nongmo, and eco-friendly living, ShiftCon is focusing on those topics. They are also only ...