Did you know that only 8% of Americans achieve their recommended target for fruit in an average day? And only 6% of individuals meet their recommended target for vegetables in an average day. Sadly, only 1% of adults and 2% of kids actually meet both the fruit and veggie recommendations each day.+ Those statistics make me sad as a mom who wants ...
A Day to Remember
If something mysterious and unbelievable happened to you and your friends what would you do? A Day to Remember by Lydia Richmond is a fun read for kids and parents alike. This book is packed with a little bit of the supernatural, surprise plot twist, and an endearing moral. A group of friends learn a very real lesson in an unexpected way. Once ...
Picture Collage Maker for Mac
Picture Collage Maker for Mac 2.0.0 by Pearl Mountain is packed with all new features to make your collages even better than before! What is Picture Collage Maker? It is an easy-to-use, you guessed it, collage maker that allows you to take your pictures and turn them into amazing collages in seconds. But it's not just the ability to put single ...
nuNAAT Hair Care Products
Ever since I had my son my hair has done some funny things. First it became dry, then greasy, and finally has settled on collecting buildup. For someone who went through life with great hair it has been frustrating to say the least. With the buildup issue the only way to counter it was to alternate between brands. I had given up on ever having ...
Kiwi Magazine is Looking for the 2013 Next Great Young Chef! #NGYC2013
My daughter and son love to help me cook. From the recipe picking to shopping they want to be involved every step of the way! Does you child enjoy cooking? Have they come up with a delicious recipe you want to share? This is the contest for them! Kiwi Magazine is looking for kids who love to cook! This year, readers will help our ...