Summer is in full swing at my house. The days are long, hot, and we are trying to have as much as possible, despite seeing school supplies creeping back into the stores! I try to make Summer an accident free time of year. No time of year is ideal for injuries but I think we can agree that Summer is pretty bad. I'm sharing my Summer vacation tips to ...
Take Tennis Lessons at Your Court with PlayYourCourt!
When I was growing up, I played a lot of sports. One of my favorites was tennis. I was really good, not bragging but I did win almost every game I played! My serve was my greatest asset, just ask my poor husband when he plays against me! I always wished I could have played more though, it was so much fun but where we lived there wasn't a trainer ...
Zippyz Pajamas Are Changing the Way You Change Your Baby!
Tired of fumbling with button up pajamas in the middle of the night? Is your baby getting cold from having to unzip their entire outfit? Zippyz Pajamas are changing the way you change your baby! While checking out all the latest and greatest products at The Mother of All Baby Showers I came across Zippyz Pajamas by Little Trendyz. It’s a ...
Beat the Heat DC with Honeywell Fans June 12th!
Hey DC fans, I don't have to tell you we have been suffering through the heat these past few days. Just this morning I walked out and within 2 minutes already felt sweaty. Gross right? I KNOW! According to a recent survey by Honeywell Fans, we are expected to the be the 6th Sweatiest City in America. In the words of Jimmy Fallon's Sara EW! ...
Recap: Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey presents Legends!
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey presents LEGENDS! is an amazing show from start to finish! Mr. Jonathan Lee Iverson, whom I met a few weeks ago aboard the Pie Car, is the ultimate Ringmaster! He breathes life into LEGENDS with his masterful storytelling, amazing voice, and outgoing personality. You ...