Before we met, my husband was content to live out his days in shorts and a white t-shirt. Then we started dating and I put a stop to that. Sorry not sorry babe. He didn't mind dressing nicer, it's just like most guys, he really hated shopping. Fast forward to the present, and the explosion of awesome that is online shopping. Fun boxes of ...
Spring Cleaning Tips
With these simple Spring cleaning tips you won't have to throw out your back to get your house looking good as new. Plus learn how Google Chromecast Audio can help make it fun! Tip #1: Make a plan and pace yourself. This is tip number 1 because it is easily why any type of major house cleaning fails. You don't have a ...
LEGO Batman Movie Review!
If the Bat were here he would say this is the most amazing LEGO Batman movie review ever! Not because of my writing abilities but because the subject is about him. And we all know that is his favorite thing to talk about. Black. All great movies begin with black. And all great movies should include the main character narrating the black ...
Mind the Nutritional Gap with MegaFood
I will admit I thought I had this nutrition thing down. We eat right and exercise, so we are good to go. Right? Not so much. While I was in New Orleans for ShiftCon, I had the honor to not only listen to Dr. Low Dog speak but also chat with her afterwards. Her speech knocked me on my bum. I was definitely not eating enough good stuff to get what my ...
Meet American Girl of the Year Gabriela McBride!
Come meet American Girl of the year Gabriela McBride! She is a beautiful doll with an inspiring story. We just love her and think you will too! Gabriela uses the power of poetry to help her break down barriers and overcome a personal challenge with stuttering. Her line features several performance-inspired outfits, fun accessories, an ...