For the month of May, Hometown Harvest issued a real food challenge #HH30Days. As someone who loves non-processed foods I was pumped for this one. It also gave me a great excuse to try out new recipe ideas. This is a recipe I have been wanting to try on my own since I first had it over at my best friend's house. It is simple ...
Butternut Squash Soup with Organic Squash from Hometown Harvest
Butternut Squash Soup is something I really enjoy eating. It is not a dish I have ever tried making. When I got my Hometown Harvest bag I found a nice sized organic squash tucked inside. Originally I thought, I will chop this up and sauté it with some olive oil and zucchini. My friend however challenged me to step outside my cooking comfort zone ...
Celebrate National Pancake Week with Greek Yogurt Pancakes Featuring Stonyfield!
February 19-25 is National Pancake Week, and who doesn't like a big fluffy stack of steaming hot pancakes? And did you know that yogurt can make pancakes healthy and even more delicious too? Last month I came up with a whole wheat pancake recipe using Stonyfield Greek Yogurt. It was my first time using yogurt to make pancakes and they ...
You Gotta Try This! #StonyfieldGreek Yogurt! Recipe Included!
You know we love our yogurt and keep the fridge stocked with it! When I was told I would receive a shipment of yogurt from Stonyfield including their new Greek Yogurt flavors I could not wait! Neither could my family whom I had to fight off and call dibs when the box arrived! Stonyfield Greek Yogurt is and always has been organic, ...
Healthy and Tasty Organic Yogurt Vegetable Dip!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Thankfully, I have finished shopping so I do not need to fight anyone at the store over a turkey! In my house, I fix the turkey with stuffing, biscuits, gravy, sweet potatoes, and I really should stop before I start drooling all over my keyboard! Even though a HUGE meal is coming their way, everyone in the ...