A gritty, ruthless, and raw Marvel Studios offering, Echo is an intriguing character-driven story that features kick*ss action and the new queen of the Marvel streets, Maya Lopez. Marvel Studios Echo Review After the events of Hawkeye, Maya Lopez (Alaqua Cox) is being pursued by Kingpin's (Vincent D'Onofrio) criminal empire. On the run ...
What If Season 2 Review: An EPIC Ride Through The Multiverse
Marvel's What If is back and wilder than ever. Season 2 takes fans on another exciting ride through the multiverse with more diverse themes, a new hero, and the return of some of the best baddies the MCU has ever seen. It's a total blast! What If Season 2 Review Marvel's What If ...? reimagines the most famous events from the MCU and ponders ...
Loki Season 2 Episode 6 Easter Eggs & Breakdown
It's the end and Loki gives us the best character arc in the MCU. Thank you Tom Hiddleston for the gift of your performance and your passion for the character. Everything is coming full circle, much like the mythical ouroboros. Let's get into "Glorious Purpose" with these Loki season 2 episode 6 easter eggs and breakdown. Spoilers ahead ...
All The Marvels Easter Eggs You May Have Missed
Marvel Studios' The Marvels is an absolute blast from start to finish. The energy is high, the action is pure spectacle, and the laughs keep coming. As with any Marvel outing there are loads of Marvel easter eggs, callbacks, and even a cameo or two, including one that definitely surprised audiences. From Pizza Dog to the Young Avengers, X-Men, ...
Loki Season 2 Episode 5 Easter Eggs & Breakdown
Everything and everyone is falling apart. Loki time slips all over time and space as he attempts to find his friends and see the TVA. But to do that he needs to learn the key to getting back to the past. All it takes is a little science...fiction... Let's get into "Science/Fiction" with these Loki season 2 episode 5 easter eggs and breakdown. ...