Halloween has come to a galaxy far, far away and the new LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales stirs up some spooky fun with three chilling stories that may or may not have actually happened. Either way, something strange is happening on Mustafar, along with plenty of action, laughs, and that classic LEGO snark. LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales ...
Film Reviews
The Wonder Years Review: This Reboot Delivers Exactly What We Needed
The Wonder Years delivered a premiere that expertly balanced nostalgia, humor, and drama. While this classic sitcom reboot retains its voiceover narration, setting, and coming-of-age tropes, it expands upon the world we remember and offers a look at what life was like for a middle-class Black family in the 1960s. The Wonder Years ...
My Little Pony A New Generation Review: Pony Magic For A New Generation
My Little Pony A New Generation is a colorful, fun adventure that features catchy songs, friendship, and that special pony magic. It is the perfect way to bring in a new generation of fans while maintaining what makes the fandom so beloved. My Little Pony A New Generation Review Unfortunately not all is well in the kingdom ...
Star Wars Visions Review: These Are The Stories Fans Have Been Waiting For
Star Wars Visions boasts eye-catching animation, incredible action, and dynamic storytelling. These are the Star Wars stories fans have been waiting for. Star Wars Visions Review Seven Japanese anime studios bring to life nine shorts in Star Wars Visions. Kamikaze Douga, Geno Studio (Twin Engine), Studio Colorido (Twin Engine), TRIGGER, ...
Nightbooks Movie Review: A Fun and Wicked Treat If You Are Brave Enough
No tricks, only treats with Netflix's latest Nightbooks. It is a fun, delightfully wicked offering that will have young horror fans on the edge of their seats, if they are brave enough to watch. Nightbooks Movie Review Based on the book by J. A. White, Nightbooks follows Alex (Winslow Fegley), a horror fan who loves to ...