The first time I saw my daughter on the sonogram screen I cried. Laying there on that chair, I felt a love I had never known before. She was alive, healthy, and absolutely perfect. Let me rewind and start from the beginning. When I thought I was pregnant I took a test at my best friend's house. One said yes, one said no, so I had ...
No Two Are Alike
Those were my grandmother's words of wisdom for me last night. She sat there smiling while I talked about how different the kids are. I was saying to her, I just don't know what I'm going to do about my son. As I was going on and on, she just laughed in that knowing grandmother been there done that kind of way. She smiled and said "no two ...
Mommy Needs a Timeout
Confession time, sometimes it's not my kids who need the timeout it's me. Are you shocked? You shouldn't be. If we are honest with ourselves we all blow it sometimes. If you don't agree then either you are Mother Theresa reincarnated or delusional. I would lean towards the latter. Now let's be real. Have you ever completely blown ...
Excuse Me!?!
Over the weekend I was waiting around a crowded dance studio while my daughter was rehearsing for an upcoming recital. When I say crowded, I mean standing room only and you better hope everyone is wearing deodorant. I navigated my way over to a spot by the bathroom door. Everyone who came by politely asked to get by me. Then a mom shoved passed me ...
Making Time For Mom
Wake up. Feed the kids. Get the kids to school. Come home and clean. Manage expenses, meal plan, organize grocery list. Play with baby at the same time. Snack time, lunch time, naptime. Start prepping for dinner. Oh wait I'm hungry too. Feed self, I'll call it a late late brunch. House work, school work, work work. Wake up baby to pick up kids. ...