With a new season of MTV's Teen Mom 2 starting this week I wanted to speak with two mothers I know who both had children when they were in high school. I do not think that MTV wishes to glamorize teen pregnancy, in fact I think it does help open the door of conversation about sex. However, I know some people watching, young girls in particular, do ...
Foundations- Strong or Weak?
These topics of laying down strong foundations and creating a legacy for our children have been coming up a lot lately. What we teach them, morals, values, religion, relationships, eating habits, etc matters. It sets them up for either failure or success. Are we building a foundation for them that's solid or one that will crack at the slightest ...
Second Time’s the Charm Right?
Your first child is where you make all the "mistakes." You rock them to sleep, don't ween them when you should, you never let them cry..... By the time the second baby comes along you say "I've got this." No more mistakes, this whole parenting thing is under control. Are you guilty of thinking like that? I am. I even have conversations with other ...
This weeks blogging carnival question is: What are you thankful for in your life? The first things that come to mind are my family. I have a wonderful, supporting husband and two great kids. I'm also thankful I have a home to live in with heat and air conditioning (we've had both go out over the past year so believe me when I say I'm ...
But I want it!!
Why is it that no matter how many toys are in a room, kids always want what someone else has? This morning my son had a playdate with his friend. Let me just say, I'm thankful I don't have twins, and to all the moms who do God Bless You! It never fails they both are playing, catch sight of the other one's toy, and then all of suddenly that is the ...