Strange World is a heartwarming adventure filled with magical creatures, gorgeous animation, and a lot of fun. Like Encanto before it, Strange World is pure Disney magic and yes that includes Disney Easter eggs. From hidden Mickey to board games to Indiana Jones, here are all the Strange World Easter eggs you may have ...
Disney Movie
Strange World Movie Review: A Heartwarming Adventure That Is Pure Magic
Strange World is a heartwarming adventure filled with magical creatures, gorgeous animation, and a lot of fun. Like Encanto before it, Strange World is pure Disney magic. Strange World Movie Review In Strange World, Searcher Clade (Jake Gyllenhaal), son of the legendary explorer Jaeger (Dennis Quaid), has left his ...
Disenchanted Movie Review: A Joyful Return To Happily Ever After
A joyful return to happily ever after meets reality, Disenchanted ups the musical numbers, the magic, and the villain count. It may not top the original, but this sequel has its enough charm and fun that fans are going to enjoy the ride. Disenchanted Movie Review What happens after happily ever after? Disenchanted picks up 10 ...
All The Disenchanted Easter Eggs You May Have Missed
The sequel we have been waiting 15 years for his finally here. Disenchanted has it all, our favorite characters, Alan Menken songs, and plenty of Disney Easter eggs including Snow White, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and even Wicked. Here are all the Disenchanted Easter eggs you may have missed. Spoilers ...
Strange World Directors On What Inspired The Look Of The Film
Magical creatures, colorful locations, and one epic adventure awaits in Disney's Strange World. Harkening back to classic adventure tales, this world feels both new and familiar. There is a good reason for that too according to the directors who wanted to pay homage to the genre while letting the artists' imaginations run wild. Strange ...