Whenever a new year comes around getting healthy seems to be the top goal for everyone. I have been on this journey for awhile. Like you, I have great days and not so great days...sometimes you just have to eat the donut! One thing I always do is honestly evaluate my efforts at the end of the week. Then I have that heart to heart with myself, ...
Disney On Ice Presents Worlds of Fantasy! Enter to Win Tickets!
Disney On Ice is an amazing experience for the whole family! We had our first experience a few months ago at the Disney On Ice presents Frozen! The kids loved seeing all their favorite characters skate around to awesome routines. And this big kid enjoyed everything about it, the music, the moves, and the production of it all. You are ...
Monster Jam Returns to the Verizon Center! Win tickets!
I remember as a little girl my Uncle taking me to see these really big and extremely loud trucks. Being the tom boy that I was I couldn't wait to see these Monsters rev up, jump, spin, whatever it was going to be awesome. Those Monster Trucks did not disappoint. They were insane in the coolest way possible and one of my favorite memories I ...
Ditching Toxins in Your Deodorant with a Primal Pit Paste Giveaway!
Not to gross you out but I sweat. I've been self conscious about my sweat and any smells that might be associated all my life. A lot of my friends made the switch to no deodorant or natural deodorant awhile ago. But for me, armpit cleansing and ditching my toxin filled deodorant seemed scary. What if I was so disgusting noone would want to be near ...
Pack a Cool Kids Lunch with the New Applegate Half Time! Giveaway Inside!
When I first heard about the new Applegate HALF TIME™ lunch kits I freaked out, in a good way. I loathe those other guys, the ones that rhyme with nastables, but the convenience factor is hard to ignore for a lot of parents. I see them all the time on field trips, even when the school says no to them. Meanwhile, I had stayed up the night ...