Deadpool is known for iconic openings where the Merc with the Mouth violently takes out a group of baddies to some epic needle drop. When I realized what song was opening Deadpool and Wolverine my millennial boyband loving heart about burst. I had to ask Ryan about the dance number and his answer was perfect.
Ryan Reynolds Talks Deadpool Dancing to NSYNC's Bye Bye Bye
Watching Deadpool and Wolverine's opening scene made me want to get up and join him. I'm not talking about the whole desecrating Wolverine's corpse thing but dancing in the snow to N*SYNC's BYE BYE BYE while TVA agents are rendered useless.
During the global press conference, I had to know: Was it harder to learn the fight choreography or the dance?
Ryan: Well, thank you. Confession for you… a lot of people don't know I can sing and move well, but that is actually the first lie I'll tell today. A guy named Nick Pauley is the guy that choreographed, and I mean he's doing a lot of the moves that have been established previously by NSYNC. If it looks like the person who's dancing doesn't have arthritis, that's him. There's the moments where, you know, there's a bit of a pop and lock, except the pop, the pop really pops, like it cracks. And the lock will not unlock. So yeah, I would do anything I could to free myself up. But yeah, I will hang on Nick Pauley's talent. I will hang my hat on his talent there and thank him for his contribution and services.
Shawn: Playing a role we dubbed Dancepool.
Deadpool and Wolverine is in theaters now. It is rated R for strong bloody violence and language throughout, gore and sexual references with a runtime of 2 hours and 7 minutes.
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