Spider-Man No Way Home delivers something worthy of the hype, easily vaulting over the extremely high bar set for it. From the moment it starts to long after the credits roll, director Jon Watts captures the audience's attention and never lets go. It has action, heart, and plenty of things for fans of the MCU and the comics to find. Which as you know is one of my favorite things to do, so here are all the Spider-Man No Way Home Easter eggs and cameos you may have missed.
This is your spoiler warning if you haven't watched Spider-Man No Way Home.
Spider-Man No Way Home Easter Eggs and Cameos
No Way Home begins with the video from Far From Home that Mysterio released saying Spider-Man is Peter Parker.
The opening sequence features two different shots of advertisements for Rogers: The Musical.
Peter and MJ stop on top of the Queensboro Bridge. This is the same bridge that the Green Goblin dropped MJ from in Spider-Man.
After escaping in the tunnels, Peter and MJ emerge near Delmar III. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Delmar's is a place Peter visits and is blown up by the guys robbing the bank across the street.
May walks in on Peter as he is changing. Standing there shirtless, MJ hands him the I Survived My Trip To NYC t-shirt that he wore in Spider-Man: Homecoming.
The DODC agent that arrests Peter is P. Cleary. In the comics, Albert Cleary is a financial genius at Damage Control. He has dealt with Doctor Doom in the past.
Tony's Glasses with E.D.I.T.H. are among the things taken by DODC.
Cleary tells Peter Nick Fury has been off planet for more than a year.
Peter needs a good lawyer and who better to defend him than Daredevil himself, Matt Murdock. Charlie Cox reprises his role from the show. A nod to his superpowers comes when he catches a brick flying through the window.
Pop culture reference: Happy mentions Goodfellas.
Inside Happy's apartment, Dum-E is present. Dum-E first showed up in the Iron Man trilogy and was also seen in Homecoming when Happy was packing up Avengers Tower.
A Downton Abbey DVD can also be seen. In Iron Man 3 Tony mentions it is Happy's favorite show.
Happy asks Peter if he likes Donkey Kong Jr. a game for the original Nintendo System.
Betty Bryant is still covering the news at school. Flash Thompson has written a book abut being Spider-Man's “best friend.”
Since most of No Way Home takes place outside of school, the teachers get a short cameo here. Hannibal Buress returns as Andre Wilson the gym teacher, Martin Starr as Roger Harrington the science teacher, and J. B. Smoove as Julius Dell who chaperoned the school trip in Far From Home.
Howard Stark and Doctor Abraham Erskine are in the Midtown High mural.
Ditko is written in graffiti on the rooftop of the school. Steve Ditko is known for amongst other things as the artist and co-creator of Spider-Man and Doctor Strange.
Back at Happy's, Dum-E knocks over the LEGO Death Star. I wonder how many times Peter and Ned have had to rebuild that since Homecoming?
When Peter walks past the newsstand near Dr. Strange's, there is a People Magazine with Liz Toomes on the cover. Liz is the daughter of Adrian Toomes aka Vulture. Liz was Peter's crush in Homecoming. The cover says “He's a Liar.”
MJ works at Peter Pan Donut & Pastry Shop located in Brooklyn.
When Peter visits Doctor Strange it is revealed that Wong is the Sorcerer Supreme not Strange. Unlike Strange, Wong was not dusted in the Blip.
The spell of forgetfulness Strange uses to help Peter has been used before to cover up the events of a party at Kamar-Taj. It sounds like the spell is called Runes of Kaff Call. Spelling is likely off here.
Strange confirms he no longer has the time stone.
Strange explains Sanctum Sanctorum was built on a point of cosmic energy convergence much like Agatha's basement in WandaVision. He also reveals the show The Equalizer was filmed there in the 80s.
As the spell begins to falter, the multiverse opening appears. In the purple, Lizard's form is clearly seen.
Stan Lee Tribute: The cab directly behind the MIT lady's car is number 1228. Stan Lee's birthday is December 28, 1922.
Out on the bridge, Peter's Spidey Sense aka the Peter Tingle alerts him to an incoming threat.
The license plate on the MIT lady's car is 63A5M-3. In the 1963 Amazing Spider-Man #3 Dr. Octopus debuts.
Doc Ock aka Dr. Otto Octavius appears on the bridge and demands to know what Peter did with his machine, the Fusion Reactor he built in Spider-Man 2. He quotes himself: the power of the sun…in the palm of my hand.
He also mentions that he should've killed Peter's girlfriend when he had the chance, referring to when he kidnapped Mary Jane in Spider-Man 2.
Doc Ock attempts to steal some of Peter's nanotech but Peter uses it to then control Doc's tentacles. Green Goblin appears, Doc recognizes him but says he is dead.
Doctor Strange captured Lizard and Doc Ock. He warns Peter that the spell has now pulled in beings from other universes who know the name Peter Parker.
Ned and MJ come to help Peter. They set up shop in The Undercroft aka the basement of the Sanctum Sanctorum. In the basement there is a Columbia University sweatshirt where Stephen Strange went to school. There is also a Yahtzee game.
On Ned's laptop is a sticker of the This Is Fine Meme dog. The still is from the web series Gunshow.
Peter leaves to find Green Goblin and encounters Sandman and Electro. Before Electro takes form, Peter says he's blue. The original version of Electro was blue. Sandman helps Peter in the fight, which is a nod to the fact he was redeemed at the end of Spider-Man 3.
Lizard comments on the fact Electro looks different in this world.
Norman Osborn takes control of himself and breaks the Goblin helmet before ending up at F.E.A.S.T. with Aunt May.
Peter races to F.E.A.S.T. worried about May. Ditko is seen again on the side of the F.E.A.S.T. truck. May encourages Peter to help Norman and the others.
Each villain realizes they were in the middle of a fight with their Spider-Man when they were brought into this universe.
Strange locks the unruly spell in a magical artifact called the machina cadavous and is ready to send them all back to their timelines. Peter takes the box and runs. (spelling could be wrong on that one!)
Dr. Strange pushes Peter's astral form out of his physical form. Somehow, Peter is still able to control himself which Strange thinks is impossible. The lines around Peter's head resemble those of the Spidey Sense animation in Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse.
The Cloak of Levitation goes after Peter and even settles on him like it does in the What If Episode 5. Although this time it is out to stop him, not help him.
Strange creates a mirror dimension to deal with Peter and not cause damage to the world around them. Peter figures out to best Strange because the mirror dimension is an Archimedes' Spiral. He takes Strange's sling ring and gives it to Ned. The action on the train is also a nod to Spider-Verse.
A shot of the new and improved Statue of Liberty holding Captain America's Shield.
“I'm something of a scientist myself.” Norman says this to Peter and offers to help him fix the villains.
At Happy's there is an Arc Reactor inside the Stark Cases which houses a fabricator that can make anything.
Peter fixes Doc Ock. Spidey Sense goes off, Green Goblin is back in control. Electro takes the arc reactor. Green Goblin laughs.
Happy is leaving messages for Peter instead of the other way around.
Before May dies, she says “With great power there must also come great responsibility.” This is a variation of Uncle Ben's famous quote but is the actual quote from the comics.
Using the sling ring, Ned tries to find Peter and he does but it's Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. MJ doesn't believe he is Spider-Man and makes him prove it by crawling around on the walls and ceiling.
Andrew is wearing his suit from The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
Ned tries again, and this time it's Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker.
They both want to help Peter so they ask where Peter likes to go to think? For Tobey it was the Chrysler Building, Andrew it's The Empire State Building.
They also know what it is like to lose someone you care about. Tobey lost Uncle Ben, Andrew lost Gwen.
Tobey's Peter tells Ned that his best friend tried to kill him. This is referring to what happened with Harry Osborn aka New Goblin in Spider-Man 3.
The infamous Spider-Man pointing meme happens in the lab scene.
There is a discussion about how Tobey's Spider-Man has natural webs.
Spider-Man 3 (Andrew) cracks Spider-Man 2's (Tobey) back. During production of Spider-Man 2, it was widely shared that Tobey Maguire had back issues.
Danny Elfman's 2002’s Spider-Man theme plays prior to Tobey talking to Tom on the roof. Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man theme is also sprinkled throughout the film.
Ned promises Peter he won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill him. This is a fun nod to Hobgoblin in the comics.
When J. Jonah Jameson sees Peter is at the Statue of Liberty he yells about him destroying another national monument. This points to the fact Jameson has been around the whole time since he knew about Spider-Man and the Washington Monument in Homecoming.
The three Peter Parkers go to the Statue of Liberty to prepare for the fight. They talk about space. Tobey says he fought an alien, meaning Venom. Andrew just dealt with Rhino. Peter tells them he fought in space with The Avengers. They don't know who or what an Avenger is.
Tobey calls Andrew “amazing.” Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man films were named The Amazing Spider-Man.
All three Spider-Men swing and land with their signature poses.
When he charges up during the end battle, Electro's suit resembles his classic comic book suit.
Electro makes a comment that he always thought Peter would be black. There has to be a black Spider-Man somewhere. Hello Miles Morales.
Andrew saves MJ the way he couldn't save Gwen.
The Cloak of Levitation saves Ned. Strange seems mildly curious that Ned was able to use the sling ring properly without training.
Goblin blows up the box and releases the spell. It opens up the multiverse in the sky. Several figures can be seen trying to get through. One is Rhino another looks like Scorpion. There is also a figure that looks to be Kraven. A fishbowl head is seen, signaling a different version of Mysterio.
In the end Strange uses the spell and everyone forgets Peter Parker but they do remember Spider-Man. This includes MJ, Ned, and Happy. But before that happens Ned and Peter do their handshake. MJ tells him she will figure it out again like she did before in Far From Home.
The old man MJ helps in the coffee shop at the end is played by Nicholas Hammond. He is famous for several roles, including playing Peter Parker and Spider-Man in the 1970s television series The Amazing Spider-Man.
MJ is wearing the broken black dahlia necklace Peter bought her in Spider-Man Far From Home.
Peter moves into an apartment. He has a GED test book and the Emperor's LEGO figurine.
The coffee cup from MJ's coffee shop is the same one seen in Daredevil.
He swings by the tree in Rockefeller Center, which is NOT destroyed therefore this takes place BEFORE Hawkeye.
He is wearing the classic Spider-Man blue and red suit that he made himself.
These moves also come from the Spider-Man Ps4 game, something Tom Holland teased would be in the film. Also in the game, Spider-Man is after Kingpin. We see him swing out over the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree which also played a prominent role in Hawkeye which brought Kingpin officially into the MCU.
Spider-Man No Way Home Mid-Credit Scene
In the mid-credit scene for No Way Home, Eddie Brock is seen sitting at a bar in Mexico. The bartender is played by Cristo Fernández known by many as Dani Rojas in Ted Lasso. Eddie is trying to wrap his head around this universe. He mentions Iron Man, and when he gets to Hulk, Venom is mad Eddie wouldn't let him use the name Lethal Protector. That is the name of the 6 issue comic run that featured Eddie Brock's Venom and showed his progression from villain to antihero.
Talking about a purple alien who liked stones (Thanos) Eddie says aliens don't like stones they like brains. Just as he decides he's going to go to New York to talk to Spider-Man, he is sucked backed to his own world but a small piece of Venom is left behind on the counter.
Spider-Man No Way Home Post-Credit Scene: Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness Trailer
Dialogue from No Way Home is heard. Strange goes to visit Wanda telling her he's not there to talk about Westview but rather to get her help with the multiverse.
Xochitl Gomez makes her big screen debut as America Chavez.
Wanda is shown donning the Scarlet Witch Outfit.
Strange is shown fighting Shuma-Gorath. This is the same creature he takes on in Marvel's What If Episode 4.
Baron Mordo returns, accusing Strange of being the biggest threat in the universe.
At the end of the trailer, a Dark Doctor Strange confronts Stephen. This seems to follow along the lines of Strange's arc in What If.
Yeah, that’s sadly not Nicholas Hammond in the coffee house scene, but an actor named Ed Force