Calling all Supers! During the Olympics, we were treated to the Incredibles 2 sneak peek and it was awesome. Helen is in the spotlight and Bob is holding down the home base so she can shine without having to worry. Love!
My husband and I both actually laughed out loud at Bob helping Dash with his math homework. “Why would they change math?! Math is math!!” I swear that line was taken right from our nightly math homework sessions with my daughter. But seriously, why are they changing math?
“I've got to succeed. So she can succeed. So we can succeed!”
Based on the sneak peek, we know the movie picks up right where we left them- defending the city from The Underminer! Once he has been defeated (I'm guessing here), the family tries to go back to normal life. This go round though, Helen is the one off doing the super hero stuff, while Bob is forced to navigate home life, and math homework.It’s a tough transition for everyone, made tougher by the fact that the family is still unaware of baby Jack-Jack’s emerging superpowers.
When a new villain hatches a brilliant and dangerous plot, the family and Frozone must find a way to work together again—which is easier said than done, even when they’re all Incredible.
“Done properly, parenting is a heroic act.” – Edna Mode
Speaking of everyone's favorite fashion designer, you know who I mean darling. Edna is being celebrated by the fashion world for all her many achievements. Who else has such a strong stance on capes? Or is as innovative with fabric has Edna? No one.
“Edna hates capes…so we all hate capes.” – Heidi Klum
My entire family wants to go see this movie together! We love The Incredibles and even nick-named one of the children Jack Jack! He is almost 13 now but still doesn’t mind when we call him Jack!
My kids (and me too!) are so excited for this movie! I am a family of 5, with an older daughter and two younger sons. My kids are already trying to convince us to dress up as the Incredibles for Halloween. The first movie is a favorite of ours!
I love Edna! She cracks me up. I really enjoyed the first one so I’m super excited to see the second one! It looks like it will be a great family movie.
I have seen The Increibles a number of times, I enjoyed the movie. I’m looking forward to seeing how this follow-up movie turned out.
My entire family wants to go see this movie together! We love The Incredibles and even nick-named one of the children Jack Jack! He is almost 13 now but still doesn’t mind when we call him Jack!
We are so excited to see this movie! We just discovered the first film and it quickly became a family favorite.
My kids (and me too!) are so excited for this movie! I am a family of 5, with an older daughter and two younger sons. My kids are already trying to convince us to dress up as the Incredibles for Halloween. The first movie is a favorite of ours!
We’re very excited they decided to bring the franchise back! They deserved a sequel a LONG time ago!
I love Edna! She cracks me up. I really enjoyed the first one so I’m super excited to see the second one! It looks like it will be a great family movie.
This sounds so fun! I can’t wait to catch this one with the family!
My kids love Incredibles. I am excited for this movie. They will surely love to watch it.
Even though my kids are grown now (17, 18, 19, and 20!) we are all ridiculously excited and looking forward to seeing this movie!
I’m so looking forward to this! I remember watching The Incredibles in Spanish (Los Increibles!) to study for the CLEP exam in college XD