It seems like all I had to do to get the Avengers Infinity War teaser was to go on vacation. I have been waiting, not so patiently (lol) for this and they finally did it, while I had no internet. So what's a Marvel girl to do? Pay for enough connectivity to watch it one or ten times. Wouldn't you? Just look at this epic-ness.
So I might have been surrounded by sunshine and blue waters, but you guys I had chills! Especially when Black Panther dropped this line
You may have heard me screaming, yesssss!
“Dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives.”
Thanos has been looming in the background for awhile. But there is something terrifying about seeing him walk on Earth. This is what the past 9 years have been leading to. We are at a crucial moment in the Avengers fandom and I'm excited and anxious for what is to come.
What else had me geeking out? Where do I start? Bucky, bearded Steve Rogers, Dr. Strange, Spidey-sense, Thor and the Guardians, Black Panther, Loki. Basically the whole teaser, scene by scene, made my inner nerd jump up and down. And yeah I may have jumped up and down on the outside too. Just ask my husband.
Avengers: Infinity War opens in theaters everywhere May 4th, 2018!