Check out this Hela Good new Ragnarok featurette that takes a look at what it takes to become not only a great villain but the first Marvel Cinematic Universe's female villain. Oscar® winner Cate Blanchett is amazing in the clips we have seen so far. She brings an air of importance with her. You know instinctively Hela is cunning, strong, and a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention she is a Goddess, so yeah, not going to be an easy fight that is for sure.
“I think the best villains are always those that you kind of love and hate what they do.”
I love her but I would definitely not want to cross her. Unless of course I had a team of Revengers like Thor, Loki, Hulk, and Valkyrie. Hela can stop and break Mjölnir. If we knew nothing else about her that would be enough to show that she is a bad*ss!
Stay on Hela's good side. Get all your Thor Ragnarok news on Facebook | Twitter #ThorRagnarok | Instagram.
Thor Ragnarok is in theaters November 3rd! Tickets are on sale now!
This one looks really amazing by the looks of it! And your thoughts about villains are so right!! Couldn’t agree more! 🙂
Eekk how awesome is that featurette, I really can’t wait to see Ragnarok it looks like it is going to be such a good email.
I am looking forward to this movie. It sounds like it’ll be amazing!
This is a fantastic trailer for Thor Ragnarok. I am so excited to see it on date night.
im a big fan of marvel movies and chris hemsworth so there is no doubt that i will have fun seeing this movie! soo excited!
Awesome Feature! Can’t wait to see the movie soon. I’m a huge fan!
Kate is such a great villain. There are so many superhero movies out there. For a change, I am rooting for the villain this time lol.
Wow this looks so good! I will have to check it out this weekend.
Sondra xx
I am a huge fan of Thor and I can’t wait to see this one. I am always amazed at the action and graphics.
My kids love Marvel movies. This movie is must-see for them 🙂
I just Thor again on TV yesterday. So looking forward to this one.
i cant wait to see this! it looks like it’ll be a major crowd pleaser