During my time as a teacher, I always made outside play a priority. Just like learning your ABC's and 123's, outside play is vital to academics. I am sharing some of the ways that getting outside can help kids achieve school success through play.
Just because school is back in session, doesn’t mean kids should lose out on creative playtime. Take time out of each busy school week to get creative with your kids, allow them the time to have free-play, and watch their healthy habits grow.
Getting outside for fresh air and unstructured play is vital for our kids' health and education. I saw my class soar through the year just by providing them with a chance to experience the world on their own terms.
I know as a parent it is difficult to fit playtime in around all the other activities that happen during the school year, but by getting creative and establishing a routine, you’ll be sure your kids are healthy and thriving all year long. I allow the kids time after school to be active and loosen up after a day in the classroom. On the weekends we spend time as a family exploring our area, finding places to play, or just being silly at home. It doesn't have to be a grand adventure, you can make time for play and enjoy the benefits it brings!
6 Benefits of Outside Play
Building Confidence
Improves Problem Solving Skills
Alleviating Stress. It is amazing what fresh air and natural light can do for your mood!
Fine and Gross Motor Skill Development and Refinement.
Increased Vitamin D Exposure. Vitamin D is great for their immunity, bone and heart health!
Boosts Creativity
All that play time means they will need to refuel. Grab the made with organic ingredients, always tasty, CLIF Kid Zbar®! CLIF Kid makes great on-the-go snacks, whether on the run from soccer practice, or in between homework sessions. The CLIF Kid Zbars® are perfect for growing kids and busy parents. Seriously, I will steal the Iced Oatmeal Cookie bar without any guilt. So good!
Why we choose CLIF Kid Zbar®:
- Made with organic ingredients
- Non-GMO
- Have important nutrients for active kids
- Appropriate portion size for kids in flavors they love
- Have no high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors (or synthetic preservatives)
Balanced and active play lays the foundation for a skilled, healthy, resilient and successful society. That is why CLIF Kid is dedicated to reclaiming play. They are encouraging boys and girls everywhere to get back outside, push their boundaries, and feed their adventures. Check out their video Come Out To Play!
How do you encourage getting outside and free play during the school year?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Play is so important to learning. I wish they had more time for recess at school.
Even as a homeschool Mom it is important to remember how important play really is, specially in building confidence. So often homeschoolers are pressured to preform above average, but thankfully homeschoolers are also known for our park days and not just for the known social reasons. Thanks for the snack tip, it can be hectic getting all the kids out the door and something quick to munch on for them after is important too!
Play is important. My son is 16 now and had taken up walking daily to just destress from school. It’ a great way for us to spend mom and son time together.
As an early childhood educator I totally agree with you about the importance of play!
Living in Alberta it can be tough to get outside every day but we try.
The kids also have times where they are banished from screen time so they can play a board game or just use their imagination. So so important!
Play is such an important part of their day. We homeschool now but I make sure to schedule in plenty of playtime to keep them active.
There are countless benefits for learning and playing outside. Just today my daughter developed a love for snails during our walk to the mailbox. haha
Play keeps the brain from getting burnt out. It’s so important to move. I even tell my team this at work. GET UP FROM YOU DESK AND WALK AROUND. so important.