Who could use a little magic? We have tried the Grey Stuff, it's delicious, and are patiently waiting the arrival of the new Beauty and the Beast. Or at least a full trailer! Disney has given us a glimpse into the enchanted world of Belle and her Beast. Here are the new Beauty and the Beast images!
I had to start with this stunning picture of Belle in the infamous yellow dress.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Belle is an inventor while her father makes music boxes, seen on the table in the image. They created a backstory for Belle, an inventor of something (no spoilers from me) great that gives her more time to read. That's a girl after my own heart!
Gaston and his pal Lefou are out to cause problems for Belle and Beast.
I imagine him singing, I'm especially good at expectorating *patooie* 10 points for Gaston!
But what about Cogsworth, Lumiere, and the other members of the enchanted castle? The detail on these faithful servants is amazing. Just look at the intricacy of Cogsworth's clock body.
The Beast. He needs no introduction. However, just look at that library. My bookworm heart is so happy. Just give me this library honey!
Another shot of Belle, this time in her blue, opening sequence dress.
Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast.
Watch the teaser trailer again, because it is just so beautiful!
Beauty and the Beast is in theaters March 17th, 2017!