No matter how old you are, you can speak up and create change for the better. Lift your voice with Melody Ellison by learning more about her story and how you can share yours.
Melody Ellison is a civil rights believer, chorus leader, and daughter of Detroit. She is all about inspiring girls and their families to be a force for positive growth and change. Nine year old Melody provides a glimpse of life during the 1960s. This is a time of great energy, optimism, challenges, and change. With the struggle for equality and justice still prevalent today, Melody bridges the past and present for girls and shows them how ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they come together to make a meaningful difference.
My daughter loves Melody, not only because she is a beautiful doll with cute accessories but because of what she stands for. My husband is bi-racial, and reading about life during the Civil Rights movement, she knows that if we lived during those times we wouldn't be allowed to be a family. She wouldn't have her friends at school either. Life would be very different from as she knows it today.
Just like Melody, my girl has a kind heart, she stands up for what she thinks is right and does her best to create change in her own little world. It warms my heart to see her lift her voice and I hope that Melody inspires girls everywhere to do the same thing.
My girl is sharing a story about how she used her voice to stop a bully on the playground at school.
American Girl wants to hear how your girl lifts her voice whether it's through art, poetry, photography, or even song for a cause. For complete info about the Lift Your Voice campaign visit American Girl.
Have your children ever used their voice for a cause?
Thank you to American Girl for sending her to us. All opinions are our own.
My daughter went thru the american girl phase but now she is older. I have stored all the books and dolls in the attic hoping she will be able to give them to her daughter one day.
My daughter loved these books. My sons even read some of them.
What a cute doll! I love her message.
Every little girl should love this doll! Looks so cute.
I lvoe the American Girl movies adn it makes me wish i had a daughter to bestow one on. That said these dolls are awesome. Not only do they teach a good lesson but they empower girls.
I was very nice hearing your daughters stories on how she uses her voice to do the right things. Her courage is very impressive! Thanks for sharing this and stay courageous!
Those dolls are the cutest and I love what they represent! Planning on buying my niece one this Christmas might even get her this one!
I’ve seen these american doll things but know nothing about them. I’m Irish by the way. I love that they’re not stereotypical and have included races of every nation.
I love the concept behind this. It’s so important to include all races and families in everything because guess what? It’s all normal. Everyone should feel normal and included! ๐
I love American Girl dolls and the message each doll comes with, it teaches while allowing for creative play. When mine were young, I loved joining in to play with them.
Inclusion is so important!! I’m so glad initiatives like this exist, it really matters
She is such an inspiration to young girls! I love dolls that have amazing back stories like this one. It makes the kids interested in the world that they are in.
What a pretty doll! I loved her message behind it!!
This positive message makes me so happy! She’s also an amazingly lovely little doll.
Wow, what a lovely doll! I remember my girls when they are young, they used to share with their dolls.
I like this doll, this reminds me so much of my childhood. She looks adorable too!
Some dolls scare me but these dolls looks so attractive to me. They are all lovely! I hope I can get one too.
What a cute doll. When I was a kid, I’m dreaming a doll like this. I’m sure my niece would love Melody Ellison.
My grand daughters love American Girl dolls. I’ll have to check out Melody for them. I can’t recall a time when they used their voices for a cause but they are still young yet.
I’ve been seeing this doll around, what an awesome addition to the American Girl family. We have all boys around here, but what a cute doll!
Took be back to my childhood and my love for dolls. Sch a nice way to spread the message
American Girl dolls come with so beautiful messages! Wish we had these dolls here in Spain too. I’m sure my daughter would love them.
I’ve seen this cute doll before and I fell in love with her cute face and name! Even the whole state of Michigan would be proud to have her as an adorable icon.