Have you ever wanted to sit down and ask a nutritionist anything and everything that comes to mind? I know I have. Well, I finally got the chance, and I made sure to ask questions both you and I wanted to know.
Recently, I was able to interview Pam Nisevich Bede, a nutrition expert. A big thanks to ZonePerfect who gave me the opportunity to connect with Pam. I asked Pam the questions we all seemed to want to know, not only as women but as busy moms. Here is what she had to say:
A lot of people, myself included, typically run hot or cold. We have heard rumors that eating certain foods could be beneficial to help with our body temperature. Is there any truth to that or is it one of those crazy internet rumors?
I don't want to say it is crazy but there is nothing out there that is really definitive on the subject. It is true that if you tend to run hot, cooler beverages, food, and even chewing on ice can help lower your body temperature.
Vitamins. They seem to be everywhere, and everyone has an opinion on them. Do you recommend a daily vitamin? What about multi vitamin versus specific vitamins? What is the most important?
I think that you should take a daily vitamin. Think of it as topping off the tank. If you have a super healthy diet, rich in all vitamins and nutrients maybe you don't need them. Most of us however, lack something in our diet and this is a way to make sure you're getting what you need. I recommend fish oil, extra iron for women and vegans, as well as vitamin D.
With people overall living a more sedentary lifestyle, is the recommended 2,000 calories a day still accurate? What caloric intake do you recommend?
This answer depends on the person. For some people 2,000 calories a day is a lot to take in and they would see weight gain if they consumed that much. For others, especially men, that number can even be lower than what they actually need. In general for women I recommend 1,600 to 1,800 calories a day. For men, the 2,000 range is good.
Do you use calorie counting apps? Do you think those are helpful tools for the average person to help maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Yes I do like the calorie counting apps a lot. I also believe in food journaling. If you are someone who freaks out, crushes your ego, or makes you crazy then do not do this. But if you can look at these tools in a positive light I think they are great. Journaling is helpful to see how your protein, fiber, carb intake is and what you need to add/subtract.
Serving sizes on packages are constantly being called into question. What I want to know is, what about children and food that they share with adults. What is the correct serving size of Mommy's crackers for instance for my 4 year old?
Children's serving sizes are based on age. If you have a little child, then I would start with 1/3- 1/2 of what your serving size is. Also, your child's fist is about the size of their stomach. That gives you a visual when preparing and serving meals. Another great resource is MyPlate.Gov.
My last question is for all the busy moms out there. What do you think is most lacking in a mom's diet and how is the best way to get whatever that is?
Moms need protein and fiber, less sugar and carbs. It is hard when you are on the go to grab something healthy, but if you take the time to plan out a few snacks ahead of time you will find yourself getting the nutrients you need without all the sugar. Veggies, fruit, ZonePerfect bars are all great ways to quickly get your hunger under control and still be healthy. It takes a little more time but making things like fruit and veggie smoothies or protein shakes, and making 1/2 of a turkey sandwich are also tasty ways to get what you need on the go.
Pamela Nisevich Bede MS, RD, CSSD, LD, is a registered dietitian and a board-certified specialist in sports dietetics as well as senior scientist of performance nutrition at Abbott Nutrition. She is also the co-owner of Swim, Bike, Run, Eat! LLC, a Dayton, Ohio-based nutrition consulting firm that serves teams and individual athletes.
I want to thank Pam for taking time out of her busy schedule to answer these questions. If you have any more, leave them in the comments and I will send them over to her and see what she says!
What a great interview Ashley! I learned a thing or two!! ๐
I agree with 2000 calories, Im a big girl and that is hard to keep up with unless of course I’m on a hard core junk food day which I don’t do. And Serving Sizes… Back when I really started paying attention to those I was shocked at what a serving size really was. Thanks Ashley for a great interview, it is very informative and helpful.