This was suppose to be the day I restarted my race training and got myself back in the groove of working out like it's a job. Since we got some sleet/freezing rain and nice icy roads school was closed today. That means no running. That sucks because I had the urge, momentum to get back on track but at the same time it was a blessing because I was not looking forward to setting the alarm clock! I will go to the gym tonight though and get in my Zumba then tomorrow if school is open I will go running.
Restarting my fitness goals also means drinking more water and trying to not indulge too much in sweets and treats. I'm not a lover of drinking water. At one point I was doing great and dare I say even was starting to like water. Then something happened, and that was out the window. So I'm starting back at square one with forcing myself to drink more water and less tea/coffee/milk/anything that isn't water. Upside: I feel more energized and clean does that make sense? Downside: having to pee all the time like I'm preggos.
I am excited to say I am officially signed up for my next Color Me Rad race. I ran one last year, read all about why it's so RAD, and fell in love with it. In fact it made me want to do more races, which I thought hell would freeze over before I ever said something like that. Even though it is in the negative in places around the US I'm telling you it hasn't frozen over, I actually like running.
Being stuck inside means it's time to get creative with fitness ideas. Noone can use the excuse I can't get to the gym as a reason for not exercising.
What is your favorite indoor exercise?
I have a treadmill and I actually don’t mind running on it 😀
It’s cold here and we are stuck inside. It’s been hard to get myself moving today. Been researching today and figure that is at least productive toward my goals. Now to do some squat! Good job!
Ugh. I don’t have a favorite indoor exercise because running outside is my fave. Inside I’ll be doing the 2 week challenge, and I actually enjoy doing Wii Fit, but nothing beats running.
I use our Kinect and the Pilates options on Kinect sports when I am at home.
I totally understand the water thing. At this point, I really only drink that or juice for breakfast. Now, it’s just remembering to drink SOMETHING throughout the day!