Oh hey there 2014. I could say something cliché like, can you believe it’s New Years Eve? But I won’t. I mean I am like woah it’s the end of a crazy year for me but I am looking forward to the New Year.
I don’t know about you but I am not the one who makes resolutions. Every year I hear people say these are my resolutions or they make a list of goals. And more than likely they do not follow through. I think people think of resolutions as something that they should do because everyone else is, but without an actual plan it’s just words.
That is one reason I am excited to welcome back to my blog, Mamavation Monday/Mighty Mom Monday. A weekly post about fitness and healthy living with other bloggers that I know. This will help me get and stay on track with my ongoing goals.
First order of business in 2014 is getting back on a consistent….I’ll say that again CONSISTENT gym schedule. Twice a week Zumba, and 3 days a week running. To help force me to run again, I am signing up for another Color Me Rad race. It was so much fun last time I did it that I cannot wait to do it again. Since I am so far off my running game, seriously I was doing 3 miles in under 30 mins ugh!, it looks like I will be restarting the Couch to 5K app for the race.
Nutritionally, I have been doing a lot better. Still buying organic, nongmo products and working on doing a makeover of my household products. It is a daunting task to think about how much stuff in your home is actually terrible, but slowly but surely I will make my home and life as green as possible. That’s to say without living in a BPA/BPS free bubble breathing filtered air.
What about you? 2014 is here do you make goals?
It is small steps and just keep going
I would like to start the couch to 5K app again – I will do it along with you!
Color Me Rad! I’ll be doing one of those this year, too. It looks like a blast!
Looking forward to cheering you on in 2014. 🙂