Can anyone use a little extra energy? I would raise both my hands but I am so tired a head shake is all you get So what's a tired mom to do when most energy options are full of fillers, chemicals, and other unspeakable nasties? Avoid them until they find something better. Sorry if you wanted something more profound, I'm just being serious with you. I have been on the search for a healthy, energy filled product for awhile. In that time I have tried some and was not a fan. Either too gross tasting or they didn't do anything for me. So my search continued…
Then I went to Expo East and as the fates would have it, I was introduced to Runa. After trying one of the clean energy drinks and bottled teas I was hooked. Yes I love coffee but I was raised on tea. It will always be my first caffeinated love and I am picky about which ones I drink. Runa's teas are organic and fair trade certified. That means no artificial ingredients, GMOs, preservatives, and all that other garbage no one should be consuming anyways!
Getting the rest of my Thanksgiving shopping done…I could not have made it through the crazy crowds without my extra boost of energy from Runa!
Runa uses Guayusa (gwhy-you-sa) a natural source of energy and nutrition from the Amazon in their teas. It is a caffeinated leaf, native to Ecuador, that contains an ideal balance of caffeine, antioxidents, and amino acids. Guayusa is great for the health of your mind and body. It offers clear, focused energy with as much caffeine as one cup of coffee and twice the antioxidants of green tea! I am all for getting that much needed boost and some good for me benefits too!
Choose from a wide range of flavors and varieties to get your daily dose of guayusa. The bottled teas are available in unsweetened, zero calorie or sweetened with only 50 calories flavors. Runa's clean energy drinks have a refreshingly smooth taste. I usually don't care for those types of drinks but I have to say I really like the Runa ones. Berry is my favorite! Best of all their energy drinks are made with natural ingredients not chemicals from a lab! Other products are loose leaf tea tins (6 flavors) and boxes of tea bags (4 flavors). No matter which way you choose to go, you can't go wrong with a guayusa tea from Runa!
Great taste and healthy clean ingredients aren't the only reasons I love Runa. They are out making a positive impact on the world. Runa believes in supporting indigenous farmers and reforestation of the rainforest. By bringing the guayusa to the US, Runa supports the livelihoods of the farmers, their families, and the tribe of Kichwa people as a whole. Their mission is to create “a business that respects cultural traditions, supports small farmers, and helps the Amazon rainforest thrive.”
I have always been on a mission to protect the world ever since I was child. After learning about all that Runa does, I knew I had to work with them!
A little bit about Runa's Story
We linked back up with the indigenous communities that had many cultural traditions surrounding guayusa, and detailed a plan to bring the superleaf to the global marketplace.
After moving to Ecuador, we drank many, many gourds of guayusa with different Kichwa communities and focused on building partnerships.
Now, a few years later, Runa buys guayusa leaves from over 2,000 farming families. Those leaves are processed in a plant in Ecuador and then are shipped to the U.S. where they are packaged and shared with a growing number of guayusa enthusiasts. Runa is proving that sustainable, high-impact businesses in the Amazon can support producers and connect consumers to ancient traditions.
Runa is a company who not only has an awesome product made without junk ingredients but they are out doing some awesome stuff for the world too. That is something I absolutely love and I'm glad to have the opportunity to share about them with you. And give some away too!
One Teachable Mommy reader will win a box of Runa Teas and Runa Clean Energy Drinks!