You may have been wondering where I've been. Or maybe not, I have been writing, tweeting, so I didn't disappear completely. Still, I haven't written about being a Mighty Mom in awhile. Does that mean I have been doing super awesome and was just too mighty to stop and write about it? Hah! Nope. Just the opposite in fact. Ever since I went to Disney World I have not been exercising. I walked a million miles and ate to my hearts content. Seriously, Disney's buffets are amazing. Then I came home and everyone got sick. So for the last few weeks we have been battling sickness, trying to catch up on life, and just being lazy.
Finally, I decided enough was enough and got off my butt and went for a run last weekend. It was my first in MONTHS. After bundling up, making a new playlists, and stretching (we all know what happens when you don't!) I hit the trail. Despite having been the equivalent of a couch potato I was proud of what I accomplished. 2.07 miles is not too shabby! I ran again a few days later and kept up the momentum!
I can tell I was getting to that point of no return. That point when sitting on the couch doing nothing or eating whatever (organic of course but organic sweets will still make you fat!) becomes too comfortable. The bad cycle of self loathing starts and you hate what you've lost but get in a pit of not doing anything to change it.
Screw that! I refuse to succumb to that again and so I am picking up where I left out and going to the gym 2x a week. I am also running again so I can continue training for that eventual half marathon I want to run. It's nice to see others completing goals and persevering. It really does help motivate me to see others not being bums. I hope you have friends you can look to when you need some extra encouragement!
Now that it's getting cold outside everyone needs a little more oomph, gumption to get moving. My advice is to have others you work out with. It's a lot harder to flake on a workout when other people are waiting for you.
So that's my story. My truth. I haven't been practicing what I preach err type but I will get back there. It's just going to take some time and taking control of those thoughts that try to deter me from working out.
What is your cold weather tip?
Fitness buddy is key for me! So true! I struggle with motivation on my own.
It’s amazing how something like a vacation can put such a rain on our getting fit and healthy parade isn’t it?
All you can do is get back at it. Glad to know you’re still here =)
I’ve gotten off of my workout regimen too. We are only human…as long as we get back up and do it agin…that’s all that matters.