Happy Monday everyone! I have to vent a bit, I'm back in plateau hell and I can't seem to get off of it. I'm sure that I could eat more cleanly aka stop my favorite Starbucks Latte, but I just don't want to. I sound whiny and maybe I am being childish but those drinks are sometimes what bring me through my day. Ok off the pity wagon and on to the good stuff.
Clearly I have not given up all sugary sweet things in my life but other than my latte I do pretty well. I've become lax on my water intake again. Shame on me. I still hit the gym 2x a week for Zumba and weights plus the plank challenge. The running is a no go right now since I pulled a hip muscle the last time I went out. That's why it is important to stretch kids. Also, when did I become old?
I have kept up with the plank challenge so far. I was very appreciative of the rest day that's for sure! For anyone who doesn't think 45seconds is a long time I assure it seems like an eternity when you are planking! There is still time for you to get in on it. Pam is doing it with me and so should you!
My goals: Complete the target hold 3x a time. I'm pretty much doing breakfast lunch and dinner.
Keep up with all the fun on Twitter and Facebook #TMPlanks
Hey there!
I have a quick question about your blog, could you email me please? Thanks!!
Melanie : )