A lot has happened in the past week! I went to my first conference ever, Bloggy Conference. I met a lot of really awesome ladies, I feel like I totally found my people the first day out. What an amazing experience. Leah and Meagan were also there which was awesome (yes I got my butt pinched lol!). One of the best parts had to be snuggling Baby Bookieboo and getting spit up on, so I am now totally a member of the Segedie family.
I rocked my Omron pedometer to the conference but I realized I did more sitting then walking. So step wise I only met my goal Monday and Tuesday. Leah made everyone get up and do squats before she started speaking though, yes at 9am, so at least I got some sort of exercising in! This week my plan is to hit the gym 3 days this week, plus our Church's haunted trail starts Friday and that will help me get a crazy amount of steps in.
Even though my steps lacked over the weekend I did a great job on my food intake. I avoided eating French fries, desserts, and I had more water then anything else while I was gone! We did stop at Cracker Barrel on the way home. I'm sorry but I HAD to get breakfast, Big Momma's French Toast breakfast and it was delicious. No worries though right, I am going to the gym tonight!
This week on Mamavation TV we are talking about fighting mental battles, turning lemons into lemonade. Overcoming a mental hurdle to working out, losing weight, and eating healthy is hard. Everyone has something that helps them make it over. For me, it is a friend saying C'mon let's go or thinking, I want my children to grow up in a healthy household not junky like I did. Sometimes, I have to seriously have a conversation with myself about not letting anything stand in the way of a healthier me. It is not an easy battle to fight, but you have a choice whether or not you want to let your mind control you or if you want to control your mind. What will you choose today?
What helps you over your mental hurdles?
*This post is sponsored by Olay and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway