I took the last week off from blogging and pretty much unplugged myself from social media. It was the first week of school, so that meant adjusting to life on a new schedule. No lie, I was exhausted, so much so that I even napped…I never nap! This week is nice, since we had today off and my husband will be home all week to help with the kids. Praise the Lord!
Great news: I FINALLY got to go back to the gym! I paid dearly for the time spent away, I mean super sore muscles and not being able to move. But it was so worth it and I am excited to be getting back into the swing of things.
This week on Mamavation Tv we will be discussing cooking quick healthy meals. My favorite quick meal is oven baked tilapia served with steamed broccoli and brown rice. If you do the prep work of your sauce the meal is easy to throw together without much effort. I will share this recipe with you all next week. My goal is to start sharing healthy, easy, and kid friendly recipes once a week but don't hold me to it haha!
Have a wonderful week everyone!
*This post is sponsored by Dole and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway