I have heard it said that “these are the days that are long but the time that is short.” That is such a powerful statement. Some days I feel like will never end, naptime/bedtime will never come! But the truth is, our kids will not stay small forever. They won't always want to spend every waking second with you or want you to be involved in every aspect of their lives.
I hope you take some time this summer do some of these fun things with your kiddos. These are the moments they will keep with them all their lives.
“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things”
1. Search for shapes in the clouds
2. Spend some time outside stargazing. See if they can point out any patterns or shapes.
3. Read a story, whatever story they want. Yes that means even the one you have read 100x
4. Get crafty: get creative, get messy!
5. Have a sleepover in your room. My daughter loves “sleeping over” in Mommy's bed.
6. Blow bubbles. We have contests to see who can blow the biggest.
7. Camp out in the living room
8. Dance Party!
9. Build the tallest tower you can and knock it down.
10. Backwards Day: clothes, food, books, have fun with it.
11. Splash in puddles, run through sprinklers, or play in the fountains!
12. Cook and bake together. Have them create their own recipes or try out a kid friendly one of yours.
13. Put on a concert for your animals, real or stuffed.
14. Talk like a pirate all day, or any other silly way you can think up. Savvy?
15. Play Candyland (or any other board game) without rigging the deck… c'mon don't act like it's just me
16. Flashlight Tag
17. Build a blanket fort
18. Dress up! I love any excuse to wear a tiara and act like a princess!
19. Go to your local frozen yogurt place and get something yummy. They will love it as a treat and it is healthier than getting ice cream!
20. Create an Art Studio.
21. Fly a Kite. Never doubt Mary Poppins
22. Playground Olympics. Who can swing the highest, slide the craziest, or climb the best?
23. Save those Packing Boxes and have some fun!
24. Watch a movie at the drive-in
Last but not least…
25. Ask your child what they want to do with you and DO IT. When I have mommy time with each of my kiddos, I ask them what they want to do. It makes them feel super special that they get to pick what we do.

My daughter actually loves hanging out at Starbucks just the two of us. She orders a hot chocolate in the winter and a “pink drink” in the summer. Love her!
What are some activities you like to do with your kids?
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