I am excited to share with all my local moms about the area's best consignment sale! Just Between Friends has been voted the best consignment event in DC and NOVA. This is a twice yearly event, so don't miss out on the chance to get your children new clothes, toys, gear, and more. Susan from JBF was gracious enough to provide me with 3 free passes to the event! Head over to my facebook page and leave a comment about what you are on the hunt for. I will announce the winners on there. For all my moms who are not local, check out Just Between Friends main website to find a consignment near you.
I do not want you to just take my word for it though. Here is an interview with a friend of mine who not only goes to the JBF sales, but she also consigns with them. Thank you Heather for offering your expertise and opinions!
1) Why do you consign? –
Our kids have SO MUCH, clothes and toys, and a lot of it never gets used or is barely used. Even though we may not be done having kids yet, it's nice to clear out some of it that I don't want to keep and use again. We donate a lot of our adult clothes and household items to Goodwill but it is nice to consign our kids' items for some extra cash.
2) How hard is consigning?
This will be my 5th consignment sale I believe and it definitely gets much easier. JBF makes it very easy to consign with tons of helpful consigning tips and how to videos on their website. I keep a few boxes in one of our closets and whenever I come across an outfit or toy that we want to get rid of, I just put it in the box. Then, a few weeks before the sale, I pull the boxes out and start tagging my items and getting them ready. I work a few days when the kids have gone to bed tagging and getting all my items together so it's not really time consuming. When you're tagging online, you can decide if you want to reduce your items for the 1/2 price sale and donate any unsold items and it will print on your tag for each item.
3) There are a lot of different sales in the area, why JBF?
I've been to a few other consignment sales before I started consigning with JBF. The sales were so cramped into a way too small space, all the stuff just piled every where, not very clearly organized or labeled, and the clothes and toys were not in that good of condition, dirty and not always working. I left all those sales and didn't buy anything. My first JBF sale was the last one I was going to shop at because I was starting to feel it was a waste of time. I was in shock at my first JBF sale! The space was HUGE (the Dulles Sportsplex), there were signs everywhere organizing everything into categories, all the clothes were clearly sorted by size but above all, everything seemed cleaner, working, and in better condition. JBF inspects every piece of clothing when you bring it in checking for stains, rips, missing buttons, outdated items, etc. And, all battery operated toys and items must have working batteries or you have to buy some from the sale organizers to prove your item actually works. They usually keep 2 boxes at the front for items that are not fit to be sold for donation or to return to the consigner for items that slip by drop off inspection. I just really like the way the sale is laid out, spaced out, labeled, and the quality of items. I like that I get 60% of my earnings + an extra 10% if I volunteer at the sale. I love that all my tags are computerized so I can get online all weekend and see what has sold and my approximate check amount. Then Sunday afternoon I can check it again and how much didn't sell and if it's worth it for me to go back and get my unsold items.
4) How does the sale usually work?
Sign up online to consign and volunteer, collect, tag, and prepare items for sale (like zip tying shoes together, putting all the pieces to a toy in a ziploc and zip tie to the toy, hang clothes on a child size hanger, clean toys, etc.), bring all your items to the sale for the drop off during the drop off day/time. They have lots of loading carts and clothing racks on wheels to bring all your stuff in on. After your items are inspected by a volunteer, you are responsible for putting everything out onto the floor in the correct areas (everything is clearly labeled and there are always lots of volunteers working to answer any questions). Consignors get a pass to shop a day early between certain times. When you get there to shop, they usually hand you a large blue reusable shopping bag and then you take a minute to take it all in! There is a “holding area” near the front where you can put large items like a pac n play until you are ready to check out. After shopping, many people find a quiet space off to the side and go through their bags before checking out to make sure they still want everything. They usually have tons of computers for checking out so the lines go quickly and they accept all forms of payment. Saturday is the public sale and Sunday is the 1/2 price sale. Sunday evening during your designated time, consignors come back to pick up any of their items that have not sold. In a few weeks, you get a check in the mail! Once you've done your first sale, it gets really easy and you have a better idea of how to price, tag, and prepare your items so that they sell well. Presentation and a great price are key! Volunteering isn't so bad when you get 10% more for your items and get to shop 1st. I usually do a 4 hour shift during consignor drop off so I avoid being there on Saturday and Sunday when it's so busy and usually help with drop off inspections of clothing and helping set up the sales floor.
5) What are the best parts of JBF sales?
Definitely the overall quality and selection of clothes, toys, books, and other kid items. It makes buying 2nd hand a lot more appealing. Love the huge space and how everything is spread out and clearly organized and labeled. Love being able to do my tags online and check my sales report at the end of each sale to see how much I've made. 60% + 10% if I volunteer for my items is great! My checks are usually $300-$400 and I haven't even begun selling the bulk of our clothes or baby items! Shopping a day early, even earlier when I volunteer, lets me get the great deals but avoid the mass of people on Saturday. Like that they do special sales' times for grandparents, 1st time parents, and military families.
6.) Anything else you would like to add?
Things I usually look for and buy – CLOTHES for both kids for the next season, books, outdoor toys, games, art supplies. The best deals: I got a pac n play, brand new, with the infant top insert, changing table, and canopy for Jack for $50. They have a lot of new Melissa & Doug toys and last fall I bought a bunch of new puzzles for the kids for Christmas. I've gotten some dress up clothes for Hannah to play with.
I am looking forward to going to the sale this year. My husband is oh so excited about my list of wants. I know I will be on the look out for great outdoor toys for the kids and summer clothes for my boy who seems to grow out of everything! What do you all like to buy at consignments? Leave me a comment or send me an email!
*This post is sponsored by Just Between Friends-Loudoun. I received a free pass to the sale in hopes I would share my honest opinion.
Faith needs summer clothes!!! And shoes too;-) but then again what girl doesn’t need shoes;-)
Faith still needs summer clothes;-)