Wake up. Feed the kids. Get the kids to school. Come home and clean. Manage expenses, meal plan, organize grocery list. Play with baby at the same time. Snack time, lunch time, naptime. Start prepping for dinner. Oh wait I'm hungry too. Feed self, I'll call it a late late brunch. House work, school work, work work. Wake up baby to pick up kids. Help with homework while making dinner. Bath time, bedtime, spend time with husband. Sleep? Maybe if my mind will slow down…..breakdown…..
This sounds so familiar. Where have I heard this before? Oh yes I remember, that is me and every other mom I know.
We take our work home with us if we work outside the home. If we stay at home, our 10 million hats that we wear are there, demanding a piece of our day and attention. It's enough to drive anyone crazy. How do we make time for ourselves?
First, we need to realize that it's ok to have “me time.” I don't know how many days I've gone over 50% of the day without eating or even going to the bathroom because I'm so consumed with everyone and everything. That's not healthy, and we will never be healthy if we don't take time to rest our minds, care for our bodies, and relieve our bladders!
I'm a better mom, wife, and person when I get a little bit of me time. It may only be a hour on Saturday while I sit at Starbucks reading while my daughter is at ballet. Or spending a few hours watching one of my favorite shows with my best friend . Whatever it is you've got to make yourself a priority. As women we tend to put others before self and that's great, it's the way we were made. But God also made a day of rest for a reason. Realistically, we can't take a whole day I know but the point is make some time to just rest.
Second, force yourself to make time for yourself. Add it to your to-do list, iCal, alarm clock, whatever will help to remind yourself oh hey I'm important too! I know if I don't force myself to do something for me at least once a week, I will crack.
Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to be super woman? Eventually we slam into a mental wall at full speed if we aren't careful. Have you ever had that kind of day? I just can't do this anymore, I cannot wash one more dish, fix one more meal, change one more diaper, and if I do I'm going to scream? Well I have. It happens when I haven't been taking time for myself.
Third, ask for help if need be. If your husband works late, you are a single mom, or whatever ask a friend to watch your kids for you. To save money, we swap babysitting. I watch your kids this week, you watch mine next. On the weekends I will make myself go out during naptime with a friend just so I can have adult interactions. Are you a working moms who is exhausted by night time? Plan an afternoon mom date on the weekend and leave the kids with your husband. If he chooses to complain remind him sweetly of that old mom proverb: If momma's happy everyones happy!
If we spend too much time trying to be it all and do it all we are going to miss out on life. I'm not saying to rock ‘n' roll all night and party everyday mind you. Spending quality time with our spouses and children is equally important. But we also need to spend time with our self. Otherwise, we run the risk of becoming bitter with our husbands, kids, house, job, school, etc. I wish there was a national Mental Health Hour at least once a week, but until then just remember you are important too.
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