How did you spend your day? I spent mine making delicious peanut butter fudge with my best friend. She makes this every year for Christmas, it's one of her family's traditions. Thanks for sharing the secret recipe with me, I can't wait to dig in after I finish writing this! On the ride home I started thinking about my own traditions, and how some of them have changed over the years.
When I was younger, my favorite thing about Christmas was spending Christmas morning at my grandparent's house. I loved having breakfast with them and lunch too. I always brought something Santa had left for me to show them. Then we would watch Christmas movies and just enjoy each others company. My husband loved spending Christmas Eve with his grandparents. The thing about traditions is, that as we get older sometimes they have to change or become fond memories. Since I've gotten married and had my own children, going to spend the entire day at my Mema's house just isn't a possibility. We have to see more then one family and the kids just want to stay home and play with their toys.
As hard as it has been on me to let go of certain traditions at Christmas, we are starting new ones with our kids. My hope is they will treasure the memories we make and pass them on to their children. Both kids have advent calendars they use to count down to Christmas. This is a huge help with the questions “Is it time to open presents yet?” and “When is it going to be Christmas?” Check the calendar dear! Every Christmas Eve, we make cupcakes to celebrate Jesus' birthday. My daughter loves to decorate them, and my son loves licking the spoon. It's a nice and tasty reminder to them the reason for Christmas. My parents let me open a gift on Christmas Eve and I've passed that on to my kids. Then, that night we go to Church for the candlelight service, its one of my favorites, they cut the lights in the sanctuary and well, it's just beautiful. Prior to opening presents Christmas morning, we read the story of Jesus' birth found in Luke chapter 2.
Every family has their own special traditions, so I asked some friends what their favorites are. Here is what they said:
We always make a ginger bread house together and bake a birthday cake for Jesus. We sing happy birthday to Jesus on Christmas, night after dinner, and then eat it. -Tori
Every year since Robert was a little boy, I have given him a tree ornament. This year I heard him say after opening his box, “I love my ornaments.” I hope he continues the tradition with his children someday. -Lisa
My favorite Christmas traditions are: giving with purpose consciously out of thanksgiving from remembering what God the Father gave us with His Son being born. I also love being with my family, and enjoying traditional Italian foods that we've been preparing and serving in our family for years and years. Just being with my family and taking the time to share and create new joyful memories in honor of Christ is at the heart of it. -Chris
Ever since Glenn and I have gotten married we have given each other an ornament, opened it, and put it in the tree on Christmas eve…. Have continued now by giving Annie ornaments as well -Danette
I didn't have any growing up, but as an adult I go to Church on Christmas Eve -Heather
Seeing family and friends that I don't get to see very often -Daniel
Whatever your traditions are, I hope you enjoy the memories you are making with your families.
Growing up, we never spent holidays with my grandparents, but after my kids were born…my parents turned into different people and were all about the grandkids; my Dad especially. Since my Dad died last year, we are creating new traditions…they are hard, but we’re trying to make this a fun time of year 🙂
I’m sorry you lost your dad. It is really hard to start over and make new traditions but as long as we keep our family time and love one another I think eventually it gets better. It’s taken me several years of adjusting and sometimes if I think too long about the past I can be a little sad but it gets better! Have a merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by 🙂